to show how people feel panic

What do you mean, don’t panic??!! We’re in the middle of a global pandemic! This is the perfect time to panic!

Mmmm, nah. Yes, the virus is bad, yes, it spreads quickly, and yes there are stupid people out there touching and licking things like they’re vying to be the sole distributor of Covid 19. However, I personally am not doing that and I can not control those who are. What I can control, I most certainly am; sheltering at home (easy peasy for introverts!), washing my hands thoroughly (why was this not a thing until now? Eww!), and practicing proper social distancing (flag length, horse length, your favorite 6′ tall person length away). That’s it. That’s literally all I can do. Panicking, worrying, complaining, hoarding…that’s not going to solve anything. Not to mention that it will zap whatever inner strength I have. So why do it?

What I do find a little peculiar is that I’m not just panic free…my mind is at peace about the virus. Of course, on the outside, I look frumpy and wrinkled in my comfy clothes and my eyes are bleary from excessive screen time and have bags under them from staying up way too late, but other than that, my demeanor is pretty much unchanged and I feel calm. Why is that?

Could be that it’s just my nature. An introvert with a phlegmatic character does not have it in them to be outwardly excitable. Or, at least, I don’t. Everything is what it is and that’s that.

It also could be the influence of my faith. I try to be a good Christian, though I fail miserably (A LOT!), but one part I never question is that God is always with me and he has instructed me to not be afraid. I’m not a Bible verse quoter but I do have a universal favorite. Joshua 1:9 – “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” If anyone reading this is in need of prayers to calm your fears, or for any other reason, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to help. If it’s a private matter, feel free to PM me through my Facebook page (the social media menu is on the Home page of this blog).

So let’s all take a deep breath and relax. Fill the time on your hands with things that will decrease your stress and bring you solace. Try some meditation or yoga, or just take some time to stretch out your muscles. Your body and your sanity will thank you.

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