Well, hello there! It’s been almost 3 years since I’ve posted, so I believe an explanation is way overdue.

When I first started my blog, my intent was to have my own little corner of the web where I could write about being an introvert. About my thoughts, my feelings, my experiences, and every once in a while I could throw in a short story I had written. It was supposed to be a place where fellow introverts could get validation that there was absolutely nothing wrong with them, and extroverts could learn how our brains were wired differently than theirs and give them hope that they could someday understand why we do the things we do. It was going to be perfect!

But soon, it became about monetizing. Ads and affiliate marketing. SEO and algorithms. I hated the way my blog was cluttered and writing posts was a nightmare of re-write after re-write, trying to get that elusive Yoast green light.

I was miserable. It didn’t take long at all for my excitement about writing to turn into woeful dread and before I knew it, just the site of my laptop made me cringe. My beloved blog had become a chore that I wanted nothing to do with. So I set it aside and waited for the thrill of sharing my introverted world with others to pass.

And it did. But it never fully went away…always jabbing at the back of my mind. I ignored it as best I could, however it’s been tapping on my shoulder a lot lately. I have to admit that I’m afraid to post this, because it will mean that I have to keep posting, and my stick-to-it-ive-ness is notorious for being nonexitsent. I guess there’s always the possibility that I’ll be able to keep it going and it will turn out to be wonderful.

Here’s hoping!

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